
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2024

Power Teaching (WBT)

Indonesian students are smart and intelegent but they fail to create good characters as Eastern country. Teenagers do free sex, drug abuse, fighting, HIV/AIDS, etc. New concept in educatikn is character oriented (EQ oriented)  The best education system in the world is Finlandia.  1. Accreditated by society.  2. Free curriculum based on local.  3. No examination but process by individyal (no comparation among students, no rank) to be best on their talent.  4. No min standard score (difference speed in learning)  Students should write "My Dream School" accompanied by parents and teachers.  This is my future Map (use mind map)  Strength (warming up)  Both our hands up and then down, to left then to right. Take right ear by left hand and vice versa. Take breath 3 times. (Taking oxygen is important for brain)  Power Teaching/Whole Brain Teaching The big six strategies: 1. Class - Yes 2. Teach - Ok 3. Switch 4. Hands and Eyes 5. The Five Rules 6. Scored board To get classes' at

Class room Research

 Chapter One: Background of study, Purpose, Benefit Chapter Two: Supporting theory: according to A, B, C thinking Education introduction Method: what?  Hypothesis: what?  Chapter Three: Research Methodology  Per siclus Chapter Four: Observation Result How to make a title?  Problem in the chass: what is the disease?  Solution: Medicine Students: patients School: hospital E.g.: Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Mekalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD pada Siswa Kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 23 Jakarta Peningkatan Hasil Belajar: disease nilai rendah Melaluu Metode Tipe STAD: medicine solusi cara Siswa Kelas VIII D : patient A dan C SMP N 23 Jakarta: hospital Bila ada semester gasal/genap: Ingredient itu bumbunya saja Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Melalui Gambar Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Tuban Rencana-Observasi-Refkeksi Pelaksanaan tindakan/ action, observasi (obat)  Siklus 2/3 pertemuan minimal 6 kali Siklus 1 jumlahnya 1, 2, 3 Siklus 2 Setiap siklus 3 pertemuan Part 2 Senin 2 jp Rabu 2 jo

Global Education

  "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand". (Chinese Proverb)  How we learn: 10% read    20% hear   30% see   50% see and hear   70% discussed with other   80% experienced personally   95% teach to someone else. Be creative society of the 21st century.  KTSP, KBK, supplement, curriculum 2013, curriculum prototype, curriculum liberty, etc. We have freedom to make the English curriculum ourselves. Nine characters are discipline, hard work, creative, eager to know, appreciate others, democratic, honest, tolerant.  Let's talk about teaching: Why don't my students want to study English?  How can I get my students to study English?  Stand if...!  You come on time, teach extra curricular activities, you always lesson plan prepare, you use visual aid in the class, you ever use music in class, sometimes you play games in class, your students use English out side of class, sometime you teach out if the book, you know name of your students, you greets s

Free Website

They are: EF Vox, The Guilty Feminist, Whe Di We Begin, Tge Daily Babbel, Duolinggo, learningapp Ebook: English Grammar Dymmies

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo, together with Mount Tengger and Mount Semeru, is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. Watching the sun ruses from tgr crest of Mount Bromo is very exciting experience for the tourists coming to this mountain. To reach the area, which is about 3,392 m above sea level, people usually take s bus or a car as far as the village of Ngadisari. From there, a pony ride will take tourists to the rim of the mountain. It is an active volcano, and the people from surrounding areas bring various things ss a sacrifice to the fire god, Betoro Bromo. The legend goes as follows: Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King's wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it "Te

How to teach?

1. Opening Preparation: praying, present, e-book Giving motivation Reviewing previous material Explain the learning objective 2. Main activity Using scientific approach with 5 M: Observing-Questioning-Experimenting/ collecting information-Assosiating-Communicating.  3. Closing Feedback Learning journal: writing the problems Follow up: homework to social media, email, facebook, LINE, Kakao Talk, WhatsApp, or WeChat.  Tell the next meeting For all of you, thank you very much for your participation. Good job, I like your performance today. Almost all active. I hope next time all of you have to be active in the class. Okay? Now as usual Please write your feeling, your problem and your success during my class in your journal.  Reflection 1. After learning this chapter, what do you understand?  2. What difficult did you find in learning this chapter?  3. What are the benefits of learning this chapter? 

Good bye Curriculum 2013

Scientific approach: Observing (mengamati), Questioning (menanya), Experimenting/Collecting Information (mencoba/ mengumpulkan informasi), Associating (mengasosiasi) menalar), Communicating (mengkomunikasikan).  Learning Model: Inquiry Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning, Problem Based Learning.  Inquiry Learning: 1. Observing: fact/fenomena 2. Questioning: peer, teacher, the other 3. Associating: find/predict the answers 4. Data Collecting: hypothesis 5. Presenting: the result Discovery Learning: 1. Simulation: text, picture, situation 2. Problem Statement: identify problem 3. Data Collecting: find data) information 4. Data Processing: explore conceptual 5. Verification: checking the truth) associating 6. Generalization: concuding the result Problem Based Learning; 1. Observing: finding a problem 2. Questioning: organizing the problem 3. Experimenting: data Collecting 4. Associating: presentinh the result 5. Analizing and eva liating: problem solving Project Bas

Descriptive text

  1. Read the following rext carefully, then answer the questions that follow!  The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders if the world, was  listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and pleateaus, stretching approximately 8,861.8 kilometers (5, 500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections all around the world iwing to its aechitextural grandeur and jidtirical significance.  Great Wall if China is the longest structure ever built. It was erected entirely by hand. The main part of the wall is about 3,460 kilometers long. One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 11 metres high. Thus section is about 7.5 metres wide as its base and nearly 6 metres at the top. Watchtowers stand about 90 to 180 metres apart along the wall.  What does the text talk about?  What makes people attrac

Opinion, Agree n Disagree

You nust have ever watched a debate. Have you ever had group discussion? There will be question session. In the session, the audience can disagree or agree an opinion. The following are expressions that we can use in debate or group discussion.  Asking for and Giving Opinion Asking fir an Opinion: What do you think of...?  Do you think....?  What is your opinion?  Giving Opinion: I think that...  Personally, I think...  In my opinion, ...  Expressing Agreement and Disagreement: Agreement: I agree.  I agree with you.  I totally agree with that.  Partial agreement: I agree with you in part, but...  That's partly true, but...  I see your point, but...  I agree up point, but...  I'm not sure about that...  It is only partly true that...  That seems obvious but...  Disagreement: I disagree with you I don't agree.  I don't think (that) ...  Interrupting: Interrupting: Sorry ti interrupt, but...  Can I add something here?  Excuse me/Pardon me, but...  Responses: Sure, go a hea

Performing a Debate

We can find discussion in debate. A debate is sn organized argument or contest of ideas in which the participants discuss a topic from two opposing sides. The aim of a debate is to convince the opposition that you are right. When the two sides sgree on the subject ot when one sides's arguments are more convincing than thr other side that is when the debate comes to a close.  Here is the debate structure: Opening Statement (First Stage): 1st speaker affirmative: Presenting a topic from affirmative pint of view and explaining each member's role and content.  1st speaker negative: Explaining the negative ideas and criticizing the affirmative speaker's point of view.  Second Stage: 2nd speaker affirmative: Elaboration supporting the case with evidence and criticizing 1st speaker negative. Tries to convince audience ti believe the affirmative case.  2nd speaker negative: Presenting main ideas briefly elaborating and supporting with evidence audience to believe the negative case.

Theme: Social media

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Nowo Setyawan as a Presenter. I would like to present avout why social media can affect its users negatively, both mentally and physically. I'm going ti divide my presentation into three sections. I'll be happy to answer questions ar the end.  To start with, let's talk briefly about social media. Everyone has a social media account. Who don't have social media account here? I guess all of you have at least one social media platform app in your smartphone. When people open our social media platfirm, they often see updates from their friendd. The updates might be about going on exciting trips, accomplising great things, or just having fun. Or they can see their favorite's celebrity update. Am I right? When they see those updates, they might not realize that those exciting lives can affect how they view their own. It is nit good for self-esteem. Seeing reels from acauantances or steangers affects the users negatively.  First,

Giving a Presentation

Before you give a presentation. It is important to know your audience. Knowing who they are, their familiarity with the topic, and their purposss in attending your preparatiion, will help you organize your thoughtd appropriately. After that, you can di these steps of preparatiion.  1. Analyze your audience.  2. Select a topic.  3. Decide the purpose of presentation.  4. Prepare the body of the presentation.  5. Prepare the introduction and conclusion.  There are three parts of presentation as follows: Introduction: You tell what you intend to do and how you intend to do it.  Main Body: You state your points: information and argument.  Conclusion: You summarize and invite questions.  When your content of your preparatiion is ready, you can do the presentation. Here are some stages of presentation and the expression used.  Greeting: Good morning) afternoon/evening, everyone. Welcome to my presentation.  Introduction: Today, I am going to talk about...  The topic of my presentation is... 

Discussion Text

A discussion text presents arguments and information from different viewpoints. In discussion text, there are Pros and Cons, advantages and dis advantages, or good and bad sides. Discussion texts explore tge various aspects snd srances that can be tsken regarding a particular topic of contention.  A discussion text is to present a reasoned and balanced over-view of an issue or controversy. In order words, ut presents differing opinions, viewpoints, or perspectives on an issue enabling the readers to explore different idea before making an informed decision. Therefore, the social function is to present arguments and information fron differing points of view. The main purpose of the text is to present arguments "fot" and "against" specific viewpoints on a subject with information and evidence to support each of the differing views.  Generic structure: 1. Issue It introduces what the issue is. It contains an opening statement presenting the issue which is going to be d

The Simple Past Tense

  Past Tense: Irregular Verb Arise-arose: Become-became: Begin-began: Bend-bent: Break-broke: Bring-brought: Build-built: Buy-bought: Catch-caught: Cut-cut: Choose-chose: Draw-drew: Drink-drank: Drive-drove: Eat-ate: Fall-fell: Fell-felt: Find-found: Give-gave: Go-went: Grow-grew: Have-had: Hear-Heard: Hide-hid: Keep-kept: Know-knew: Lead-led: Leave-left: Make-made: Pay-paid: Put-put: Say-said: See-saw: Shake-shook: Sleep-slept: Take-took: Teach-taught: Write-wrote Sit-sat: Mean-meant: Make a sentence from each if the following irregular verbs.  See-Saw: I saw her yesterday. 

Who Am I?

  We'll play a kind of Guessing Gane "Who Am I?. Your teacher will put a post-it paper with one of the words below on your back. You need to work in pairs and guess what the word on yout back id by asking questions. Your partner may only answer your questions with 'yes' or 'no'. Observe the following examples of tge questions.  Questions to ask: Does it relate to a family relationship?  Am I female?  Am I a mother?  Does it relate to a profession?  Do I work in a hospital?  Am I a medical doctor?  Does it relate to a hobby?  Am I an outdoor activity.  Am I related to music? Etc.  Words to be written on post-it: Brother, sister, father, mother, teacher, medical doctor, barista, engineer, footballer, author, computer programmer, police officer, musician, painting, reading, singing, hiking, going, shopping, outdoor guide. 

How to Present an Analytical Exposition

  Analytical exposition can be either written or spoken. Oral anaytical exposition can be found in speeches or debate. A speech is the ability to express thought and emotions through vocal sounds and gestures. To debate is to argue a subject, especially in s firmal manner. As a noun, it is defined as a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part.  When you do oral presentation, pay attention to the following language for presentation.  1. Explain what your presentation is about at the beginning.  I'd like to talk about...  I'm going to talk about...  The main focus of this presentation is...  2. Use these expressions to explain your arguments.  Furst of all, ...  Firstly, ...  Secondly, ...  Next, ...  Then, ...  Finally, ...  Lastly, ...  3. Use these expressions to add more ideas.  In additiom, ...  What's more....  Also, ...  4. Use these expressions to present tge conclusion To sum up, ...  In conclusion, ... 

Learning English

Learning English through music and songs xan be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.  Firstly, "the song stuck in my head" phenomenon  (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.  Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literacy sanple.  Futhermore,

English subject @ F phased

  Listening-Speaking: Students use English to communicate with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and fot a range of purposes. They use and respond to open ended questions and use strategies to initiate, sustain and conclude conversations snd discussion. They understand and identify the main ideas and relevant detailacs in oral texts of discussiond ot presentations on a wide range of topics. They use English to express opinions on social issues and to discuss youth-related interests, behaviors and values  across cultursl contexts. They give and justify ooinions, make comparisons and evaluate perspectives. They employ self-correction and self-repair strategies, and use nonverbal elenents (gestures, speed and/ or pitch) to strengthen/ support the message/ information/ opinion/ being conveyed).  Reading-Viewing: Students independently read and respond to a wide range of texts. They read to learn and read for pleasure. They locate, synthesize and evaluate specific details an

Descriptive Texts

  A descriptive text is a text which describes a place, a thing, or a person. It focuses on describing a single place, object, event, or person.  Social function: The ourpose if descriptive writing is to recreate the writer's thoughts and visual images in the mind of the reader. All descrotive texts present one ckear picture in the reader's nind. Writers create this picture by describing the subject's main feature with ckear details. The main purpose of descriptive texts id to help fge reader visualize the things that are being described. Othee purposes are to inform the readers on a particular place, thing, or person; to introduce a particular place, thing, or person.  General structure: 1. Identification It identifies the place, person, or thing to be described. It is usually in the first paragraph. It should have sentences that introducd tge topic you are describing to your readers.  2. Descriptive This part us called the body of the text. It contains a descrition of som


  Practice in pairs; Student A asks questions and student B answer them.  Student A: 1. What ... your name?  2. ... you a new student here?  3. Where ... you live?  4. How many brothers and sisters ... you have?  5. What ... your hobbies?  6. What ... your parents do?  Student B: 1. My name ...  2. Yes, I ...  3. I live at ...  4. I  ... or I ... not ... anu brothers or sisters.  5. My hobby  ...        My hobbies  ...  6. My mother  ... a  ... or  ... not work and my father  ... a  ...  For example: Do you enjoy English class? Why? /Why not?  Is English easy? Why? /Why not?  Is English lesson useful? Why? /Why not?  History, Mathematics, P. E.  Exercise: May I know your name please?  Can you tell me what your profession is? Or, What do you do?  What're your hobbies?  Do you like painting?  Do you like music? 

Agreeing Vs. Disagreeing

  AGREEING: I agree with your opinion.  I agree with you I don't have any objection.  Thar's right/true!  Absolutely!  Exactly!  I couldn't agree more!  I see exactly what you meant!  You're right. That's a good point.  You're absolutely right.  DISAGREEING: I don't agree with you.  I disagree with you.  I totally disagree!  Absolutely not!  That's not right!  I'm not sure about that.  I see your point, but...  You maybe right, but...  To some extent, yes, but...  I don't think so.  I'm not sure about that.  I don't get along with it. 

Expressing opinion

 An opinion is a view, judgnent, or appraisal in the mind about oarticular matter. When you express your opinion, you must have a reason behind the opinion. Expressing  your opinion is something we do on daily basis either at home or at school or something in between.  ASKING FOR OPINION: What is your opinion about...?  What is your view about...?  What do you think about...?  Could you tell me Your opinion?  Do you have an idea?  How di you feel about...?  Do you agree with...?  Please tell me your opinion on...?  Any thought about...?  Any comment? Etc.  GIVING/STATING OPINION: In my opinion,...  In my view,...  I think (that)...  I personally believe/think/feel... From my point of view,...  As I see it,...  Aa far as I'm concerned...  It seems to me,...  To my mind,...  To be honest.. .  If you asked me, I would rather...  I suppose...  I feel/reckon.... According to..., ...  I (strongly) believe...  Personally I think...  To be frank ...  Honestly...  Frankly...  I would say...

Malin Kundang

A long time ago, in a snall village near the beach in West Sumatra lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang and his mother had to live hard because his father had passed awat when he was a baby. Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fush he would bring it to his mother, or sell the caught fish in the town.  One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship being raided by a band of pirates. With his bravery, Malin Kundang helped the merchant defeat the pirates. To thank him, the merchant allowed Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed and left his mother alone.  Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and a lot of crew who worked loading trading good. He was also married to s beautiful woman. When he was sailing in his trading journey. his ship landed on a coast near a small village. The local people recognized that ge was Malin Kundang, a boy

Procedure Text

  Definition: Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction/operation machine or use technology, e. g. How to use the fax?  Texts that instruct how to do a particukar activity, e. g. Recipes, rules for games.  Texts that deal with human behavior, e. g. How to succeed, how to live happily.  Generic structure: 1. Goal (title)  The purpose of the procedure.  2. Materials or ingreduents Things are needed to make something 3. Steps or directions (in order)  Steps in the method are written clearly and concusely in a logical sequence. They are numbered. 

Active Vs. Passive form

  Active verbs are words used to describe an action that a subject is performing. Using active voice males our wruting more dtnamic and interesting.  Passive voice is when you make the object of an action inti the subject of a sentence. It id characterized by passive verb (be + verb 3). Passive verbs highlight an object that receives the action in the sentence. Because passive voice is generally weak, try to avoid it.  A sentence is written in passive voice when tge subject of the sentence has an action done by someone or something else. Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form if the "to be verb" with the past participle of the main verb.  Active: Tita visits Kuta Beach.  Passive: Kuta Beach is visited by Tita.  The sentence is in Simple Present, how about in : Simple Past, Present Perfect, Simple Future, Present Progressi

Hortatory Exposition

 Definition: A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain to listeners or readers tgat something should or should not happen or be done.  Social function of Hortatory exposition: The social function of Hortatory exposition is to persuade the readers or listeners that somethinh should or should not happen or be done. In simply way, Hortatory exposition persuade tge readers to do what the thesis recommends.  Schematic structure of Hortatory exposition: 1. Thesis It presents the issue and the writer's point of view about the issue of the topic.  2. Arguments This part consists of a series of arguments which strengthen the thesis and kead to recommendation. These arguments support the writer's point of view in the thesis.  3. Recommendation It presents the statement of what ought not to happen. It this part, the writer tries to persuade the readers to do something.  The language features: There are some language features in s hortatory text

Analytical Exposition

Definition: An analytical exposition ia a text that elaborates the writer's idea about  an issue.  The purpose is to persuade the listeners or readers that something is important matter or something is the case.  Generic structure: 1. Thesis It introduce the issue and the writer's point of view regarding the issue. In order words, lt introduces the topic and indica tes the writer's position. It also outlines the main arguments to be presented.  2. Arguments The arguments support the thesis by giving evidence and examples. Each argument consists of a point and elaboration. This elaboration develops and support the point or argument. Normally, analytical expositions present evidences that belong to facts, not the writer's opinion.  3. Reiteration It is the re- statement of the thesis. In other words, it restates the writer's position to strengthen the thesis.  The language features: There are some language features in an analytical text. They are: 1. Simple Present Te