Good bye Curriculum 2013
Scientific approach:
Observing (mengamati), Questioning (menanya), Experimenting/Collecting Information (mencoba/ mengumpulkan informasi), Associating (mengasosiasi) menalar), Communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
Learning Model:
Inquiry Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning, Problem Based Learning.
Inquiry Learning:
1. Observing: fact/fenomena
2. Questioning: peer, teacher, the other
3. Associating: find/predict the answers
4. Data Collecting: hypothesis
5. Presenting: the result
Discovery Learning:
1. Simulation: text, picture, situation
2. Problem Statement: identify problem
3. Data Collecting: find data) information
4. Data Processing: explore conceptual
5. Verification: checking the truth) associating
6. Generalization: concuding the result
Problem Based Learning;
1. Observing: finding a problem
2. Questioning: organizing the problem
3. Experimenting: data Collecting
4. Associating: presentinh the result
5. Analizing and eva liating: problem solving
Project Based Learning:
1. Having a project: observing questions
2. Experimenting: design project plan
3. Sceduling: tine and target
4. Monitoring and Evaluating: project progress
5. Examining: fact and data experimenting
6. Evaluating: the activity
How to implement the plan to gain the goal?
Discussion, demonstration, simulation, experiment, etc.
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