English subject @ F phased



Students use English to communicate with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and fot a range of purposes. They use and respond to open ended questions and use strategies to initiate, sustain and conclude conversations snd discussion. They understand and identify the main ideas and relevant detailacs in oral texts of discussiond ot presentations on a wide range of topics. They use English to express opinions on social issues and to discuss youth-related interests, behaviors and values  across cultursl contexts. They give and justify ooinions, make comparisons and evaluate perspectives. They employ self-correction and self-repair strategies, and use nonverbal elenents (gestures, speed and/ or pitch) to strengthen/ support the message/ information/ opinion/ being conveyed). 


Students independently read and respond to a wide range of texts. They read to learn and read for pleasure. They locate, synthesize and evaluate specific details and gist from a range of text genres. These texts might be in the form of print or digital texts, including visual  multimodal or interactive texts. They demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, issues or plot development in a range of texts. They identify tgr suthor's purpose and make inference to comprehend implicit infornation in the text. 


Students independently write an extensive range of fictional and factual (nonfiction) text types, showing an awareness of purpose and audience. They plan, write, review and revise texts with some evidence of self-correction strategies in writing conventions. They express complex ideas and use a wide range of vocabulary and verb tenses in their writing. They present information using different modes of presentation in print and digital forms to suit different audiences and achieve different purpose). 

Students use English to communicate with teachers, peers, and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes. They use and respond to open ended questions snd use strategies to initiatr, sustain and conclude conversations and discussion. They understand and identify the main ideas and relevant detaild in oral texts of discussions or presentations on a wide range of topics. They use English to express opinions on social issues snd to discuss youth-related interests, behaviors and values across cultural contexts. They give and justify opinions, make comparisons and evaluate perspectives. They employ self-correction and self-repair strategies, and use nobverbal elenents (gestures, speed and/ or pitch) to strengtgen/ support the message/ information/opinion being conveyed. 
Students independently read and respond to a wide range of texts. They read to learn and read for plessure. They locate, synthesize and evaluate specific details and gist from a range of text gestures. These texts might be in the form of print or digital texts, including visual, multimodal or interactive texts. They demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, issues or plot development in a range of texts. They identify the author's purpose and mske inference to comprehend implicit information in the text. 
Students independently write an extensive range of fictional snd factual (nonfiction) text types, showing an awareness of purpose and sudirnce. They plan, write, review snd revise texts with some evidence of self-correction strategies in writing conventions. They express complex ideas and use a wide range of vocabulary and verb tenses in their writing. They present information using different modes of presentation in orint and digital forms to suit different audiences and to achieve different purpose. 


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