Theme: Social media

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Nowo Setyawan as a Presenter. I would like to present avout why social media can affect its users negatively, both mentally and physically. I'm going ti divide my presentation into three sections. I'll be happy to answer questions ar the end. 

To start with, let's talk briefly about social media. Everyone has a social media account. Who don't have social media account here? I guess all of you have at least one social media platform app in your smartphone. When people open our social media platfirm, they often see updates from their friendd. The updates might be about going on exciting trips, accomplising great things, or just having fun. Or they can see their favorite's celebrity update. Am I right? When they see those updates, they might not realize that those exciting lives can affect how they view their own. It is nit good for self-esteem. Seeing reels from acauantances or steangers affects the users negatively. 

First, seeing reels on social media makes the users compare themselves to other people. Comparing themselves to other people who seem to be doing better than them can make feel like they don't measure up. They often view photos and updates on social media. As I said at the beginning, this activity can affect the users negatively. It is because they don't know people very well. It is easy to forget that their lives aren't as they apoear on social media. But, comparing themselves to others on social media affects their self-esteem, perceptions of themselves, depressive synptorms, and moods. These affects are especially strong among people who are more sensittive to social comparations in general. If you find that you frequently compare yourself to others in your daily life and place a lot of importance on those comparations, you're at high risk for feeling worse after using social  . 

Let's move on the next reason. Social media users' highlight reels can cause a fear of missing out ir FOMO. FOMO is anxiety caused  by feeling like missing out on social events, trends, or even breaking news. For example, you might worry that you're missing out of enjoyable events that your friends are going to, which csn cause you feel anxious and upset. In other words, having FOMO leads to jealousy of others, especially of people close to you. Even heard that your friends are going out only to be filled with sudden anxiety because you can't join them? In fact, you get anxious all the time about things other people do thar you're not doing, too. Experiencing FOMO is not only distressing, but also it may actually ve bad for health. Furthermore, on the days that people experience a lot of FOMO, they are more likely to be in a bad mood, feel fatigued and stressed, and even more likely to have sleep problems and physical symptoms. 

To sump up, social media users' reels have negative effects such as comparing themselves to others and experiencing FOMO. So, personally I think that excessive use of social media us not good fir mental and physical health. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to try snd answer them. 


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