Power Teaching (WBT)
Indonesian students are smart and intelegent but they fail to create good characters as Eastern country. Teenagers do free sex, drug abuse, fighting, HIV/AIDS, etc. New concept in educatikn is character oriented (EQ oriented)
The best education system in the world is Finlandia.
1. Accreditated by society.
2. Free curriculum based on local.
3. No examination but process by individyal (no comparation among students, no rank) to be best on their talent.
4. No min standard score (difference speed in learning)
Students should write "My Dream School" accompanied by parents and teachers.
This is my future Map (use mind map)
Strength (warming up)
Both our hands up and then down, to left then to right. Take right ear by left hand and vice versa. Take breath 3 times. (Taking oxygen is important for brain)
Power Teaching/Whole Brain Teaching
The big six strategies:
1. Class - Yes
2. Teach - Ok
3. Switch
4. Hands and Eyes
5. The Five Rules
6. Scored board
To get classes' attention
To make active our brain:
A teacher says, 'class! ' and students reply, 'yes' or 'classity-class-class! ' and responses 'yessity-yes-yes! '. It depends on the teacher intonation and followed by the students directly.
Divide class into teams of twos, One and Two. Give a short set if information ( mini lesson.. 30 seconds) complete with gestures. When finish, look at the class snd Clap (vary this: twice/three times).
"Switch": repeating each other.
Switch-The 5 rules-Hand and Eyes-Score board
Extra credit-dextra credit, happy face-sad face.
Students-Teacher: Oh Yeah
Okay, raise your right hand. Around/circle to left-quick-quicker. Then, point out/pit on your chin! (Say chin but touch chest, etc) in order to focus the students.
Clap your hands. Then, face to face clap your friends hands, combine clapping with 4 ppl, 5, 10, 20, .. 39 ppl/ add the ppl. Siswa berepuk tangan sendirian, kmd berdua, menjadi bertiga, berempat, ... sepuluh dst.
Clap motivation
Clap One: yes
Clap Two: o-kay
Clap Three; S-pi-rit
Clap Four: con-sen-tra-tion
Clap Five: rea-dy-to-stu-dy
Clap: usual aplauss
Boom: hit the table with two palm hands
Candy: take a candy ASAP
Clap, clap, clap, boom, boom, boom, clap, clap, boom, boom, boom, candy (rebutan)
Games: "Go, Back, Stay"
(Siswa berdiri berjajar ke belakang dengan berpegangan pundak teman depannya)
Go: maju loncat ke depan satu langkah
Back: mundur loncat ke belakang
Stay: balik kanan
I.e. Back, back, go, stay, etc.
Students make a circle and hand in hand
Jump in: loncat ke dalam/maju
Jump out: loncat ke belakang/mundur
Jump right: loncat ke kanan
Jump left: loncat ke kiri
E.g : jump in-jump out- jump left-jump right
Jump in, jump out, jump left, jump right (quick)
Hammer Game: Up-Down-Shake-Pump
Students in pairs and hand up, friend hand, hand down, etc.
Up: yg paling bawah naik ke atas
Down: yg paling atas turun ke bawah
Shake: digoyang memutar
Pump: dipalu (kalo bisa menghindar)
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