
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2023

8 chiefs of police dept.Mutation

Based on TR of Chief of Indonesia Police department, there are 8 chiefs of police dept. from East Java  replaced. They are from Tuban, Madiun city, Jember, Jombang, Ponorogo, Bondowoso, Pasuruan city, and Bangkalan. Ex of Kapolres Tuban AKBP. Rahman Wijaya has a new position as Vice director of Traffic dept. Central Java (Wadir lantas Polda Jateng). The chief of police dept. of Tuban is Suryono, ex chief of police dept. from Madiun city. The position of National Karate-do Institute leader (INKANAS) Tuban will be handled by Suryono. Good luck.

Tadarus Edukatif PB PGRI

Selasa 28 Maret 2023 APKS PGRI melaksanakan acara Tadarus Edukatif  hari pertama sekaligus pembukaan langsung oleh Ketua Umum PB PGRI Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd. secara online. Tadarus Edukatif ysng merupakan peningkatan wawasan pendidikan diikuti oleh  lebih dari 400 peserta se Indonesia di bulan suci Ramadan. Bunda Uni pangglan akrab Ketum PB PGRI tersebut selanjutnya memaparkan materi tentang "Strategi meningkatkan kompetensi guru abad 21" dengan dipandu moderator ibu Nurwijayanti. Dalam makalahnya beliau berharap para guru tetap belajar selain tugas pokoknya mengajar. "Jadilah guru yang selalu belajar (long life learner)", tegasnya, "untuk peradapan khususnya di dunia pendidikan".  Pendidiksn membangun potensi siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan dapat mengatasi semua persoalan yang dihadapi di era industri 4.0. Kita harus memiliki growth mindset.  Sebagai guru, kita tidak akan tergantikan. Akan tetapi sekarang guru bukankah satu-satunya sumber belajar ...

Being a Uni student

On Tuesday 28th March 2023 at 3 p.m., it is an announcement of state universities students. Congratulations on being a university student. There are 143.805 participants who passed from National selection Based on Score (SNBP). In SNBP is taken by students scores and schools acreditation and department choosen. In fact, there are 732.774 participants divided from 426.243 senior high school, 153.446 vocational school, 82.731 boarding schools, and 549 double track schools. There is improvement of participants from 17% SMK and 7% (SPK) SMA who join in the program.  In my opinion, the real competition is SNBT because students pass from written tests. It is a real capability students shown.  Last but not least, students are still able to continue favourite university by independence way. The parents should pay money to the universities.

MusCab INKANAS Tuban

National Karate-do Institute (INKANAS) Tuban holds reorganization at Polres Tuban-East Java on Sunday afternoon 26th March 2023. The meeting is followed 15 members of black belt and 20 representative of branches, vice of organization Senpai Muchtar from East Java, Senpai Bisma Julian as chief of black belt East Java and his secretary Senpai Rory Wicaksono run well. In the responsibility of previous committee, there is a little bit question in order to make INKANAS Tuban better. Next, we make team formateur for choosing chief of technique commission. Kanang Setiawan is voted the chief again for 4 years later. The head of INKANAS Tuban AKBP. Rahman Wijaya, S.I.K., S.H., M.H. as Chief of Tuban police (Kapolres) . The daily chief is AKP. Kadek Aditya Yasa Putra, S.I.K, M.Si. as chief of traffic police (Kasat Lantas). And, it needs for a month to complete committee period 2023-2027. Hopefully the new committee will make  INKANAS Tuban better.

Fasting is so Easy

  The coming of fasting Ramadhan month in our country is started 23rd March 2023 when it will leave from raining or wet season to dry one. Most of Indonesia people who are Muslims do fasting in the holy month. They are accustomed to having it annually.  Kids start fasting a quarter  day until they effort to do full day. It needs about 15 hours for fasting. Most rice stalls are closed but few of them are still open with cloth cover.  Muslim people increase their belief during in Ramadhan month. They wear polite dress, perform pray 5 times in a day, help each other and the other good deed. Fasting in our county is easier than abroad, for intance: long duration of fasting , eating and drinking everywhere, and other bad obstacles in tranparant clothes, dating aptitude.

Why are you fasting?

  Muslim has 5 pillars, namely:  one, we declare " there is no God except Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW as His Messenger" two, pray 5 times a day three, give zakat al mal four, do fasting in the month of Ramadan five, go to Makkah (pilgrimage) Related to fasting in Ramadan month, should muslim do fasting? Of course, if they are faithful people. How about? A pregnant woman, baby, kids, old people, sick person, menstruation girl, crazy person, long traveller are not fasting.

Friendly Futsal Match

  On Saturday morning,  All Stars of SMAN 5 Tuban and students go to Parengan, exactly TPP Futsal Kemoro Mergoasri Parengan Tuban East Java. They meet in sparring partner with All Stars of SMAN 1 Parengan. Parengan is located southern about 50 km from Tuban town. To go there, it needs more an hour by vehicle. So tired, isn't it? The first session of friedly match, All Stars of Smala versus All Stars of Smapar with score 20 : 10. Unfortunately, Students of Smapar defeat students of Smala Tuban easily. Finally, Smala is waiting for Smapar coming any time to Tuban town.

Blog Sebagai Media Dokumentasi Refleksi Diri Siswa

  28th KBMN PGRI #29th meeting Day / Date                    : Wednesday, 15th March 2023 Title                                 : Blog as Students' reflection Speaker                         : Bambang Purwanto, S.Kom., Gr. Moderator                    : Gina Dwi Septiani, S.Pd., M.Pd. Participant                    : Nowo Setyawan, S.Pd. In the 29th meeting of 28th KBMN PGRI, Mrs. Gina as the moderator opens by introducing Mr. Bambang Purwanto as the speaker. By the way, have you used blog as a document for students' reflection? Let's know that our blog can be used for students' reflection according to  Mr. Bams. If we open the curriculum vitae of Mr. B...

Sparring partner futsal

The manager of Parengan FC Abdul Malik and the manager of Semanding FC Nowo Setyawan make a MoU (Memoradum of Understanding) holding sparring partner futsal. The big match will be held on Saturday morning 18th March 2023 indoor at TPP futsal Kemoro Margoasri Parengan. Coach Tomy says, "Parengan players will come with full team to the match. They usually play forward and pressing the opponent. All of players are quiet strong in stamina. However, we should consider players who come from Semanding have good quality in Tuban regency. Coach Rudy explains, "This is the first time we have a sparring partner. We have backward and forward strategy to attact the other team. We hear Parengan FC has tried several time with Bojonegoro and Lamongan team. We should do the best." We do not know who wins.

Proud of being PGRI member

  In 1992, I knew the history of PGRI from my lecturer, Mr. Rusmadi at Tuban teachers college. He explains it clearly. When I became an English teacher, I have joined a member of Indonesia Teachers Association since 1997. The association helps us to be a teacher assistant in 2004. Then, it is proved to make teachers and lectuters' welfare named certification.  I become a chief of PGRI at SMAN 5 Tuban with 50 members. Some of my colleagues have passed being  civil servant officers PPPK becaused of PGRI struggle. Last but not least, I also learn English for Teachers with PGRI batch A and batch B. I also try writing some articles or books in order to be a productive writer. Thanks PGRI.

Teachers Should NOT be Rich

  What is your ambition in life to be? A doctor, a pilot, a soldier,  a lawyer, a director, a secretary, an accountant, a clerk, a seller. Are you going to be a teacher? Of course not. Why? Because the job needs patient,  generous, simple, honest.We spend lots time but the result is little, even nothing.  Do you remember about Oemar Bakri's story? A teacher who always wears simple uniform rides a bicycle everyday. He is keen on reading books as his hobby. His house is quite small where he lives with family. Even though he lives, he happy to teach his students. Let's compare with another profession, for instance: a doctor who has a big house, wear expensive  dresses, ride a car, eat nutrition food, travel abroad. From whom do they learn about health, science, knowledge, medicine, politics, law, economy, trading? Teachers educate students how to read, write, count, differentiate good and bad aptitude, make good deed for parents, society and nation. Teachers are pr...

Teknik Promosi Buku

  28th KBMN PGRI #28th meeting Day/Date          : Monday, 13th March 2023 Title                    : How to promote our Books? Speaker              : Akbar Zainudin, MM.,MNE. Moderator         : Sim Chung Wei, SP. Participant         : Nowo Setyawan, S.Pd. Good evening, everybody. The moderator give a chance to Uncle Jay to tell how to promote a book. According to Mr. Akbar Zainudin, a writer should have four thing in promoting books in the market, namely: Product, Price, Place of Distribution, and Promotion. Next, Uncle Jay says to promote his books online. We just wait and the books fly to all of the countries. Assalamu'alaikumWr.Wb. (Peace be upon you) To the great participants,  Thank to Uncle Jay, his committee and the moderator that gives opportunity to me to share about books promotion strategy. First ...

Is Test still Needed or Not?

  Students go to schools or campuses in order to study some subjects, have new knowledge, develop their ability and talents. After studying some lessons, teachers or lecturers give them a  test. It can be oral or written test. Is the test still needed for both educators and students? The main purpose of test  is used for evaluation how far the students can understand and master materials given. How about having bad result? Do the teachers or lecturers ready give more tests?  If the students have never understood the  material, on the other hand, they like playing music, painting, sport, etc. Are there relationship between the failure of students and teachers or lectuters capability? All teachers and lecturers have graduated from university degree. They have also got long experience in teaching and learning activities. It can be called an expert. However, their students are still failed. They dislke the boring lessons. They want to play football, basket ball, vol...

Happy or Sad for Teachers?

There has not been recruitment for civil servant officers since 2005, except: the changing for retired teachers only. And, the condition is continued until corona virus dicease (covid 19) spread in the world. Then, pandemic has gone after all fund and budget spend for covid 19. We try hard to make our condition better. In education, teachers teach their students in the online class, even though they have never done it before. It surely caused many problems, such as: bad networking, no handphone until lost learning for our students. Indonesia Teachers Association (PGRI) commitee wish members become welfare. It is a pity, a teacher is paid a hundred rupiah per month. Then PGRI discusses with the minister of education and representative of X commission how to solve the problem. Last but not least, the government promises to give opportunity a million teachers to be a civil servant officer with certain contract (PPPK). The first and second recruitment have problems, exactly placement. The ...

Belt Inaguration of INKANAS

On Sunday morning 12th March 2023, All of Tuban people  go to the Hill of Singgahan. Do you know what for they go to there. Karateka of National Karate-do Institute (INKANAS) should be proud and happy because they wil wear a new belt. From white belt is changed into yellow, yellow to green, green to blue, and blue to brown. Congratulations! You have tried hard to show your skill in kihon, kata and kumite in ftont of the examiners until you declared passing from karate's examination. Keep practising in your dojo, school or campus and respect to your senior, parents, trainers, teachers, friends, and place. You have to promise wearing badge of INKANAS  forever. Say never change your badge because we are real karateka of INKANAS. Sweet or bitter experience, we are together in a big family called INKANAS. Good luck 

Silver wedding to Uncle Jay

  On the 11th of March 1998, Wijaya Kusumah married to Siti Rokayah in the flower city of Bandung - West Java. From the marriage, the spouse has got 2 daughters and they think a girl or a boy is the same because a boy will marrty to girl in the future and vice versa. Uncle Jay is a teacher, so do I. We are both similar. I married on April 9th 1998 with two daughters. Uncle Jay and I are keen on writing. We are in the same organization, Indonesia Teachers Association PGRI. I have known Uncle Jay when he introduced Public speaking in the first time in 2021. In corona diacease 2019 (covid 19), we often meet each other in some webinars. I joined English for Teachers with PGRI twice and  computer program IGTIK PGRI. The reason is to improve my skill in speaking English, computer, speaking and writing. Uncle Jay always gives motivation for his friends and people who want to increase their career. He says, "write everyday, and have a look the result". Last but not least, I say , ...

A singer vs. A teacher

  Education is important thing for our lives in order to be welfare. After finishing from school or university, people can choose any career to earn living. I am sure everyone has hobby (hobbies), so do I. If I am keen on science books, melody songs, polite dress; I will probably become a civil servant officer like a teacher, a policeman or a soldier. On the other hand, a person who likes comic,magazine, fiction books, wearing casual dress and jeans; perhaps s/he become an artist. How about salary? A civil servant officer has monthly salary from government about 5 million. A singer is paid when s/he sings some songs 5 million per hour. Let's compare the income. Who has simple and glamour life? How many fans do they have?

Membuat cover buku yang Menarik

   Making Interesting Book Cover 28th. KBMN PGRI #27th meeting Title                     :How to Make Good Book Cover? Day / Date         : Friday, 10th March 2023Membuat Cover Buku Yang Menarik Speaker               : Fajar Tri Laksono, M. Pd. Moderator         : Lely Suryani, S Pd. SD. Participant         : Nowo Setyawan, S.Pd. Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. (Peace be upon you) Good evening, everone. In the 27th meeting, we use zoom meeting that conducted by Mr. Fajar Tri Laksono, M.Pd. as the Speaker and Mrs. Lely Suryani, S.Pd.SD. as the Moderator. Let's introduce you to the great Speaker who has many winners related to his career, as follow: The man who comes from Sidoarjo East Java has skill in computer, especially: Graphic Designer and IT Consultant says, "Develop your habit and passion in order to produce som...

Menjadi Penulis Di Buku Mayor

  Becoming Major Writer 8th March 2023, 28th KBMN PGRI, 26th Topic              : Menulis di Penerbit Mayor Day / Date    : Wednesday, 8th March 2023 Speaker         : Joko Irawan Mumpuni Moderator    : Raliyanti Participant    : Nowo Setyawan, S.Pd.   Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. (Peace be upon you) It is nice to meet you all. Let's learn writing together because it will be useful for people (readers). First of all, Mr Joko revises the book to be publisher. He who has got wide horizon of knowledge is a director of Andi publisher Yogyakarta. He is also an assessor, a writer, and representative of IKAPI DIY. It is a dream for every writer if a book is published by a major publisher. To be a major publisher should launch hundred titles annually and it needs long time. The speaker says that a publisher is a creative industry that collaboration among a writer, editor, lay ou...