Membuat cover buku yang Menarik
Making Interesting Book Cover
Title :How to Make Good Book Cover?
Day / Date : Friday, 10th March 2023Membuat Cover Buku Yang Menarik
Speaker : Fajar Tri Laksono, M. Pd.
Moderator : Lely Suryani, S Pd. SD.
Participant : Nowo Setyawan, S.Pd.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. (Peace be upon you)
Good evening, everone.
In the 27th meeting, we use zoom meeting that conducted by Mr. Fajar Tri Laksono, M.Pd. as the Speaker and Mrs. Lely Suryani, S.Pd.SD. as the Moderator.
Let's introduce you to the great Speaker who has many winners related to his career, as follow:

He gives lots of cover that he has got. All the covers are very good.

The man who comes from Sidoarjo East Java has skill in computer, especially: Graphic Designer and IT Consultant says, "Develop your habit and passion in order to produce something or winner."
Mr. Fajar is a teacher at SD Pembangunan Jaya 2 Sidoarjo and then he studies his career seriously until his success. He has a plane ticket to Dutch and Malaysia because of his achievement in 2018 even though he is not a civil servant officer (PNS)
The man who comes from Candi tells the differences culture, "it is quite difference between Indonesia with the others, i.e. students :aptitude to a teacher." He explains that abroad students attending or out of class, even playing gadget that is no related to the subject freely.
According to Anies Bawesdan that teachers must understand and follow:
"Guru Mulia karena Karya."
When we make book cover, we can use Corel Draw program without paying anymore. We can take the cover from market place directly if we can subscribe about 1,5 million per year. Please, be careful of making book cover to avoid penalty.
Next, it is about font in the title. It can free or paid, it depends on our willingness. If we pay, the font and it background more interesting.
These examples from Mr. Fajars' designer.
Mr. Fajar likes making book cover based his friends' subscriber. It depends what they want to connect the book content. We can read at glance the synopsis or summary, then make the book cover.
How to make the cover?
First of all, we select the size, for instance: A5 with size 148x 210 mm.
By the way, what is a brief design?
It is a writing guidance for design project that developed by designer and the others. The guidance becomes blue print as the link:
How to make the interesting book cover?
1. Knowing the theme or message in the book.
2. Choosing the font that suits with the theme.
3. Choosing the correct color based on the content.
4. Using pictures or illustrations.
5. Estimating the size and setting.
6. Make sure the cover describing the book.
When we cannot make our selves, we need help from a professional designer as we wish.
We should remember that our writing is not called a book if there is no cover. We can make our selves or need help from a designer. We give the detailed source, i.e.
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