
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2024

Motivator n Facilitator

  1. Teachers should study how and what to teach so that students love the teachers very much. The students ignore what kinds of the curriculum are, except the teachers' ability cause them interesting and enjoyable day by day.  2. Based on 'intention', a teacher is divided into two types, namely a true teacher and an temporary teacher. Because s/he loves teaching students called a real/true teacher. On the other hand, someone is failed to get jobs instead of being a teacher. So s/he takes the opportunity to be a teacher eventhough dislikes the profession anymore.  3. Based on 'working', there are three kinds: Mis-way: there is no capability to teach students.  Paid: the quality of teaching caused of money.  Real: love teaching forever to students.  4. Steps of teacher: Teaching: transform knowledge from teacher to students (compared with google)  Educating: followed becaused of good figure/ characters.  Enspiring: give inspire for students as their history not just

Chat Conversation

  Translate the chat conversation among Emma, Nina, and Yasmin into real English language.  Yasmin: Hu, sup, uz wanna go to da movie l8r on 2nite?  Nina: nm, yer, movies sound great, wanna invite more pplz to cum?  Emma: KK, wanna go c D8 Movie?  Yasmin: Yer, sounds great. IMG did u here bout the fute Harriet n Jane had?  Nina: Yer, it ws lyk a big as fite, they were fully @ each ivas throats!  Emma: OMG, day really h8 each ova! So, I'll c yaz later, wate, wot time id da move?  Yasmin: I dunno, I'll ring ya l8r.  Nina: Hu r da ova pplz d# r cunin as well.  Emma: I dunno, uz decide I dunno. Btw, uz rok my dox.  Yasmin: lol, d@ ws random... lolz.  Nina: ks, uz suk... muah ha ha... jks.  Emma: y uz soooo  mean to me.. jks... C yaz later, txt me wen uz fuga out da ova pplz n da movie time, k?  Yasmin: yup, cyaz.  Nina: tyl... movie is @ 8 *mwah*

The Procedures of Cooperative Learning (CL) Techniques Used in the Lessons

  Think-Pair-Share (Kagan 1989,13)  1. Students THINK to themselves on a topic provided by the teacher.  2. They PAIR up with another to discuss it.  3. They then SHARE their thoughts with the class. RallyRobin (Kagan 2009,6.31) 1. Students sit in pairs. 2. Teacher poses a problem to which there are multiple possiblr responses or solutions, and provides think time.  3. Students take turns stating responses or solutions.  RoundRobin (Kagan 2009,6.31)  1. Students sit in teams.  2. Teacher poses a problem to which there are multiple possible responses or solutions, and provides think time.  3. Students takes turns stating responses or solutions.  Inside-Outsude Circle (Kagan 2009, 6.27)  Setup: The teacher preoarrd questions, or provide a question card for each student.  1. Students form pairs. One student from each pair moves from one large circle in the class facing outward.  2. Remaining students find and face their partners (class now stands in two concentric circles).  3. Inside-cir

Small Talk

  A conversation is a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are changed. Sometimes we heard about small talk. It is a short, polite conversation about casual topics such as how your family is, the weather, or current news. Many of us struggle to start a conversation because we are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Not only starting a conversation but also confinuing and ending a conversatiion are difficult.  Starting a Conversation: Hi, (name). How are you? /How's it going? /What's up? Hey, (name). Long time no see.  What's new?  Si, how have you been?  What have you been up to?  So, how's it going with (program/project, etc)?  Excuse me, are you...?  Haven't we met somewhere before?  I see you are...  The weather is hot, isn't it?  I heard that you...  Isn't the news about ...?  Keeping busy?  How was your weekend?  Do you have any plans on Sunday?  So, what do yoi think about...?  So, did you hear that...?  S

Making Questions

There are two main types of questions; Yes/No questions and WH-questions. WH-questions are questions starting with WH-wirds including What, When, Where, Who, Whom, Which, Whose, Why, and How.  What: To ask for information about something.  When: To ask about time.  Where: To ask avout the location of thing/place. Who: To ask whar or which person/people( S). Whom: To ask what or which person/people (O).  Which: To ask about choice.  Whose: To aak about ownership.  Why: To ask for reason.  How: To ask about manner or condition.  When we are talking to someone, we should use correct intonation and pitch to avoid of misunderstanding. Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice in speaking. When we use WH-quedtions to ask for new ℹinformation, we use falling intonation. This is opposite of the pattern on Yes/No questions, which normally rise. 

Brain Buster

 Can you translate this sentence?  Mereka akan minum kopi besok.       They will drink coffee tomorrow.  Kamu tidak akan minum kopi besuk.       You will not drink coffee tomorrow.  Kamu tidak minum kopi kemarin.       You did not drink coffee yesterday.  Mereka tidak minum kopi setiap hari.       They don't drink coffee everyday.  Kamu tidak minum kopi setiap hari.       You don't drink coffee everyday.  Saya minum kopi kemarin.       I drank coffee yesterday.  Mereka sedang makan nasi sekarang.  Mereka makan nasi setiap hari.  Mereka makan nasi kemarin. 


  Funny: lucu                 crazy: gila Heavy: berat                light: ringan Right: benar                wrong: salah Busy: sibuk                  lazy: malas Sad: sedih                    happy: gembira Strong: kuat                weak: lemah Tired: lelah                  loyal: setia Tall: tinggi                   short: pendek Empty: kosong           full: penuh Bad: buruk                 good: baik Nice: baik                   ugly: jelek Pretty: cantik            beautiful: cantik Big: besar                   little: kecil Small: kecil                wide: lebar Thin: kurus                fat: gemuk Angry: marah            kind: baik Patient: sabar            cruel: kejam Old: tua                       young: muda Proud: bangga           broken: rusak New: baru                  deep: dalam Far: jauh                     near: dekat Brave: berani             afraid: takut Clever: pandai           stupid: bodoh Difficult: sukar           easy: mudah Hungry: lapar            th

Heaven Class

 Students: Passive ---> Active Worried ---> Confidence Forced ---> Miss Scare ---> Competency Teacher: Killer ---> Missed Theory --+> Practise Half heart ---> Full heart Certificate ---> Competency Be active at mind, physic, and heart.  E g. A teacher asjs students by looking at first and point it out (mind).  1 clap as usual, 2 clap to tigh, 3 up the foot, middle brain, clap about, etc. (phisic), clap each other.  Make a line (nearer) to right/left then massage your friends shoulder or toast.  Is it clear? Do you understand? Do you have benefit? Do you agree?  One-two-three, say YES (loudly, quickly, and spirit) menggenggam Stand up, please. Step on your place. Run (quickly) by counting 1-5), turn right, massage or touch, jump, toast to friends.  Give the nicest smile to your friend each other, i. e. Rabbit smile. Remember 20% intelegence and 80% spirit.  Hand gesture: up means silence, down = smile Task: in pairs, shake your hand, praise, smile, and shout: Yes

The Best Teaching

Lesson Plan Subject: Topic: Class/Time: 1. Title: question word, word/sentences of interesting, numbers, how, combination.  2. Opening: make variety, not always greeting to avoid of boredom, i.e. music, smile, who graduation? Positive story, experience, statement 3. Body: material? Method? Aid? Media?  TV-audio, hand out, etc.  4. Closing: make students wander as if sinetron. Relaxation (kalimasada followed heart touch)  Opening: Greeting and asking condition then praise.  Before we begin our lesson today, let's pray to our God first  Semangat Pagi  Pagi, pagi, pagi. Luar biasa.  Apa kabar, baik? Semakin baik.  Apa kabar sehat? Senakin sehat.  Apa kabar keren? Semakin keren Apa kabar genius? Srmakin genius, etc.  Apa kabar anak-anak sekalian? ( utk variasi)  Sukses, bahagia, mulia.  Challenge game: In pairs rope and untied 1 pearl (mutiara) and 3 (kerang)  How to make students focus on a lesson?  I give you a test, you can do it or not because only the best students can becone succ


Would you like Aqua?  Sure, thanks a lot.  You can focus on me.  What is cinta in English?  Love Love you, too.  Excuse me, do you know my friend, 'Ai'?  Ai...?  Ai.. I love you.  Can you translate 'aku cinta kamu' in English?  I love you.  I love you, too.  A boy is whispering a girl. A boy: I love you.  A girl: .. ?...?  A boy: Do you hear what I say to you?  A girl: I love you.  A boy: I love you, too.  X: which one is higher/lower between forefinger or thumb?  O: forefinger is higher/ thumb is lower.  X: they are the same. (The high is same)  O: no, I disagree. Prove it!  X: xoxoxo  Girl: I like Korean artists. BTW, do you want to join Boy band?  Boy: No.  Girl: Why not?  Boy: I want to be your boyfriend.  Btw, do you know WIL?  Wil?  Will you Marry me?  What's your name?  My name's...  Your name is not complete (incomplete)  Why?  Because It is no my name there.  (Without my name).  Hey, please cone forward/backward one step!  Good looking is left/shown.