Motivator n Facilitator

1. Teachers should study how and what to teach so that students love the teachers very much. The students ignore what kinds of the curriculum are, except the teachers' ability cause them interesting and enjoyable day by day. 2. Based on 'intention', a teacher is divided into two types, namely a true teacher and an temporary teacher. Because s/he loves teaching students called a real/true teacher. On the other hand, someone is failed to get jobs instead of being a teacher. So s/he takes the opportunity to be a teacher eventhough dislikes the profession anymore. 3. Based on 'working', there are three kinds: Mis-way: there is no capability to teach students. Paid: the quality of teaching caused of money. Real: love teaching forever to students. 4. Steps of teacher: Teaching: transform knowledge from teacher to students (compared with google) Educating: followed becaused of good figure/ characters. Enspiring: give inspire for students as thei...