
Step 1:  How to pronounce 'A'? 

Pronounced e (it stands itself) -> bag, black, 

Pronounced a (followed by r:) -> car, far, 

Pronounced e' (in the beginning) -> ago, about, 

Pronounced ei (ending with e) -> take, lake, 

Pronounced o (followed by L/W) -> fall, tall, saw, law, 

Step 2: How to prounce 'I'? 

Pronounced ai (ending with e) -> rice, nice, price,

Pronounced I (it stands itself) -> dig, fit, sit, 

Pronounced e' (in the end with r:) -> bird, birth, 

Step 3: How to pronounce 'U'? 

Pronounced a (in the beginning) -> up, under, un,

Pronounced e' (front r:) -> turn, burn, 

Pronounced yu (special words) -> universe, united, universiry, 

Step 4: How to pronounce 'E'? 

Pronounced I (double e:) -> feel, see, seek, 

Pronounced e (it stands itself) -> net, set, chest, 

Pronounced yu (front w;) -> new, knew, 

Step 5: How to pronounce 'O'? 

Pronounced u (double oo:) -> book, foot, foot, except "door"

Pronounced o (it stands itself) -> on, for, top, 

Pronounced e' (ending with r:) -> doctor, director, investor, 

Pronounced a (special words) -> son, month, 


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