English Speech

Glory be Allah, the God who creates himan beings and teaches then languages. May peace be akways on Muhammad, the noblest human being, the Messenger of Allah, the prophet of Allah and other nations all over the world. 

Ladies and gentlenen, 

There are many prominent figure who master not only his natiknal language, but also many  foteign languages. If we read the biographies of Haji Agus Salim, H. O. S. Cokrominoto, ir. Soekarno, or Mihammad Hatta, we'll know that they understand many foreign languages. They undestand English, Arabic, Dutch, Japanese, etc. It shows us that mastering many languages. It should be studied and understood by everyone who wants to have a global insight. If we only understand our national language, our knowledge and insight will be more limited because nost scientific books are written in English. 

Dear brothees and sisters, 

Another advantages of mastering English is that we get job easily. Mastering English becomes one if tgecrequirements. It means the applicants have to understand and able to soeak English. 

By mastering English, we also can be tourist guides. Many fireigners visit toirism places in Indonesia. To spend spare time, we also xan translate English books. Many scientific books written in English haven't been translated yet. If our hobby is writing, we can write articles in English too, then articles are sent to international journal. 

Dear Audience, 

From bridf explaination above, cwe can conclude some points. First, English is an International language. So that, if we want to have global insight, we have to understand and master English well. Second, we can study abroad, esoecially in the West. Third, we will get job easily. Forth, we can translate some English books into Indonesian, or write articles in English. 


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