Hello, everybody.

My name is Nowo Setyawan. It comes from Sanskrit language that means the ninth child who is loyal to his friends forever. And you may call me Mr. Nine or Pak Nowo. 

I was born in the Kartini of hospital, Rembang - Central Java from a spouse Mr. Soewarjono who is retired from a civil servant officer and Rr. Retno Doemilah who is a diligent house. I have 8 siblings, exactly 3 brothers and 5 sisters. They are Drs. H. Edy Tutuko, M.Si., Tutik Sampoerno, Wahyu Handayani, Bambang Pinayungan, Esthiningsih, Nugroho Mumpuni, Niken Andamari, Hayuk Swandayani.

I grew in Rembang from kindergarten until senor high school. Then, I have moved and taken English department at IKIP PGRI Tuban since 1992. I was a such active university student so that I got a scholarship from Supersemar. 

I joined some English seminars, workshops, in service trainings  that held in Central Java and East Java. I used to read some books at British Council Surabaya. So, it is wonder I have got a very good standard of the target language by discussing about English language with my lecturers, deans, foreigners or native speaker.

I am also keen organization as a leader of Communicatiin Club, chief of Students union (1994), English Conversation Club (1995), a member of English Study Centre-British Council ITS Surabaya (1994), member Book of the Month Club BOMC - Camp Hill- Pennsylvania USA (1995), member of the VENOP -  Very Enormous Person (1996), the loyal Reader and Listener of Kang GURU English Radio Australia - Indonesia (1997).

I have taught English at Elementary schools (SDN 1 Kragan - Rembang and SDN Kebonsari 1 Tuban) in 1994 - 1996, Junior High school SMPN 4 Tuban in 1997 - 1998, a vocational high school SMKN 2 Tuban 1998 - 2003, senior high school SMA PGRI 3 Tuban in 1997 - 2007, SMAN 1 Parengan in 2008 - 2018, SMAN 5 Tuban in 2019 - now, and English course Gajah Mada, Citra Mandiri Utama in 1997 - 1999.

Now I live with my wife and two daughters at Jalan Kates Wangi number 2 Widengan Indah regency Tuban - East Java. My home is yellow faces to eastern. There are two trees of papayas in front of it.

My first daughter has finished Mathematics department from Airlangga university Arlangga in 2022. She tries to be a teacher at a junior high school, SMPN 2 Tuban and freelance of business affair. The youngest studies Indonesia language at State university of Surabaya Unesa in 2022.

I always study everyday in order to make easy in learning English. Last but not least I do hope my students are able to practise English and succeed in many parts of career they may choose.

See ya.


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