
A new year

In the end of December 2023, people prepare to face a new year with many activities. They go for a picnic, healing, shopping, eating by wasting their money.  They celebrate the New Year by dancing, singing, and burning crackers fire. They bake corn, cavassa, fish, meat, etc.  Actually we can evaluasi what we have done last year by reflecting. And then we make resolution in the next year, ie. Saving money, doing phisycal exercises, helping other people.  So, what your resolution in the next year? 

Students' report: just score

  On 21 December 2023, all students receive their dvaluatikn during 6 months called report. Their parents surely anttend to take the report if they have children who study at schools.  Teachers distribute the report to parents. The teachers do not explain the characistics, skills, writing, talents, etc.  It the teacher tells the students are able to make tea or coffee, it will make parents pride. Their children can make it to father, mother, relatives and their sibling even they have open coffee or tea shops. So, it is just now score. 

Good service number 1

  Tuban East Java has the first service to society visiting. It makes us so proud because society needs short time and free. To avoid the complicated system, the officers have to check documents from people. If the documents are complete not more two days, they are finish.  We can use cellular service in order to make faster. And it finishes on time and make them satisfied.  Society proud is our target. 

Teachers' Day

25 November is always held aa Teachers' Day. The day is the same Indonesia Teachers Association known PGRI after a hundred day Indonesia independence.  In the 78th anniversary, there is Emergency Congres that resuffle all committee at PB. There are two leaders Unifah Rosyidi and Teguh Sumarno.  Almost members of thirty provinces support Unifah leading. Only few follow Teguh that has a legal from Human right and Law minister.  However, we still celebrate 78th Teachers Day as usual. 

Civil Servant Officers

We celebrate 52nd Civil Servant Officers on 29 November 2023. We give the best service to society as government officers. Society satisfaction is our target. We also collaborate each other. We save part money and give to orphants and poor people. We are proud to be a civil servant officer. Happy Korpri Day.

Why should curriculum be changed?

  Curriculum always changes in a decade. Since Indonesia independence, we have changed our curriculum for many times. Now we have 'liberty curriculum' (kurikulum merdeka) that there is relationship with previous curriculum 2013. The changing is a must because it is as a heart in our education. There are some factors why the curriculum should change. 1. Learning and teaching process follows the development era. 2. To fulfil authentic materials that relate to real condition in daily life. 3. Able to overcome transformation of culture in globalization era.

Freedom for Palestine

  On Sunday morning, Indonesia people go to National Monument (MoNas) Jakarta. The purpose is to support Palestine's freedom. There are about more two million people join the meeting on 5th November 2023. They also bring Indonesia's flag and Palestine's flag. The people always shout "Free, free Palestine" many times. If Palestine is near, Indonesia people will join with them to fight Jew Israel. Indonesia always stand with Palestine. Palestinians are our brothers and sisters. Let Palestine freedom.