Prophet Ibrahim as.

The Bbylon Kingdom was ruled by a king named Namdud bib Kan'an. King Namrud thought that he sas a god. So that he wanted all people to worship him. He wabted everybody to obey what he has commanded. If the people refused to obey hin, he would ask his men to kill them. The people of Bsbylon worshipoed idols. There lived obe if tgr idols maker named Azar. He had a son, Ibrahim. The boy was really energic, active, and strong. Not long after, Allah sent His Words to Prophet Ivrahim. He told Prophet Ibrahim to persuade his father to quit from his job, making idold. Azar was so angry eith his don when he was asked to do this. Prophet Ibrahim was so said because his father did not want ti admit Allah as fhe Only God ehi has to be worshipped. One day, ghe people of Babylon held a kind of party in canps outsidd the city. They left the city which became vacant snd silent. They were having fun and they had a great party. But Prophet Ibrahim did not take part in ghe party. ...