Learning English

PANCAVIP stands for Pronoun (kata ganti), Adjective (kata sifat), Noun (kata benda), Conjunction (kata penghubung), Adverb (kata keterangan), Verb, Interjection (kata seru), Preposition (kata depan). Pronoun: I -> me -> my -> mine You -> you -> your -> yoirs We -> us -> our -> ours They -> them -> their -> theirs He -> him -> his -> his She -> her -> her -> hers It -> it -> it -> its I am ... You are... We are... They are... He is... She is... It is... Adjective: It usually has opponent of the word. Happy >< Sad Noun: It is about persin, thing, animal, place. It is clasified into countable and uncountable noun. Happy girl, naughty boy, Conjunction: Adverb: Adjective + ly Verb: To be (nominal) vs. Verb (verbal) I am an Indonesian. I come from Tuban - East Java. Interjection: Preposition: