Hello, everybody. My name is Nowo Setyawan. It comes from Sanskrit language that means the ninth child who is loyal to his friends forever. And you may call me Mr. Nine or Pak Nowo. I was born in the Kartini of hospital, Rembang - Central Java from a spouse Mr. Soewarjono who is retired from a civil servant officer and Rr. Retno Doemilah who is a diligent house. I have 8 siblings, exactly 3 brothers and 5 sisters. They are Drs. H. Edy Tutuko, M.Si., Tutik Sampoerno, Wahyu Handayani, Bambang Pinayungan, Esthiningsih, Nugroho Mumpuni, Niken Andamari, Hayuk Swandayani. I grew in Rembang from kindergarten until senor high school. Then, I have moved and taken English department at IKIP PGRI Tuban since 1992. I was a such active university student so that I got a scholarship from Supersemar. I joined some English seminars, workshops, in service trainings that held in Central Java and East Java. I used to read some books at British Council Surabaya. So, it is wonder I h...